Dental Implants vs Dentures

Dental Implants vs. Dentures

Patients are opting for dental implants over dentures because they favor convenience. Some of the reasons patients are leaving their dentures behind: dentures are a temporary fix, sometimes fall out, must be removed for cleaning, and sometimes feel awkward in your mouth because they are set in place with adhesives. Reasons why patients are making the switch to dental implants: they are a more permanent solution, can last a lifetime with the proper oral hygiene, and look and feel like your real teeth. Are you going to make the switch?

Why are Dental Implants Preferred over Dentures?

Marlton patients see dental implants as a choice toward more convenience. Dental implants act as a real tooth root, fusing with the jawbone and providing a sturdy foundation for replacement teeth. Instead of a special hygiene routine, you can treat dental implants just like your other teeth and clean them with brushing, flossing and mouthwash. Dental implants are a return to normalcy!

Dental implants also provide necessary tooth-root support. Without this support, jawbone loss and shrinkage may occur. This can lead to pain and a weakened bite. On the flip side, dentures can end up irritating the gums and jaw due to lack of support.

Learn More: Schedule your Consultation with Dr. Bullock

When you come to our office for a free consultation, Dr. Bullock will decide if you are a good candidate for dental implants and give you a personal treatment plan. Our practice serves patients in the Marlton and Eavesham Township areas. Contact us today!